III Meeting of LILACS and SciELO Scientific Editors

September 15-16, 2008


The III Meeting of LILACS and SciELO Scientific Editors will be held on September 15-16, 2008, during the 5th Regional Meeting of the Virtual Health Library (VHL5) in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

It is being organized by the Health Scientific Communication Coordination and SciELO and LILACS Units at BIREME, jointly with the Regional Consultative Committee of the VHL Health Scientific Communication.


The main objective of this meeting is to foster a discussion on:

1)    Relevant subjects related to science journal publishing in Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal

2)    National experiences on scientific communication and publishing related to the VHL

3)    New products and services of the VHL in the area of scientific communication


Scientific journal editors, peer reviewers, researchers, authors, librarians and other information professionals interested in management of health scientific information and communication, mainly in the management of scientific journals in Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.

Expected results

1)    Definition of strategies for the strengthening of health journals and the area of Health Scientific Communication and the cooperative information sources of the VHL

2)    Dissemination of new products and initiatives in the area of scientific communication which can contribute to the improvement of quality and management of Iberoamerican scientific journals


Official languages are Spanish and Portuguese. Simultaneous translation will not be available.


All participants must be registered in CRICS8. To confirm your participation at this meeting use the Contact link of this site.


Room 3 - 2o. floor
Centro de Convenções SulAmérica
Av. Paulo de Frontin, 1 - access by Rua Madre Teresa de Calcutá
Metro - Estácio de Sá station
CidadeNova - Rio de Janeiro

BVS-Agenda - V2.0
2008 | BIREME - Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe em Informação em Ciências da Saúde